Wednesday, July 20, 2016

RNC Day 3

    Today was the third day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Donald Trump made a grand entrance by helicopter entering the city of Cleveland. I find this very odd. For someone who has a convention here, and is trying to gain the vote of middle and lower class citizens, why is Trump not staying in Cleveland? It is very interesting that Trump is talking about rebuilding America up, but has not visited any of the surrounding neighborhoods to Cleveland. The surrounding cities of Cleveland have some of the worst house blight in the countries. Most presidential nominees, I feel would take somewhat of an interest in the city they are staying in, and not just flying back to New York every night and not worrying about the little people. Those people who there are votes wanted from, but takes no interest in their lives or living conditions.

    Ted Cruz, former hopeful Republican candidate, spoke at tonight's meeting. According to David Graham of the Atlantic, he shares his thoughts from the night. Graham says "The applause was Cruz’s reward for appearing at the Republican National Convention hosted by Donald Trump. The boos were his penalty for refusing to endorse Trump during the speech. It was the latest stunning turn at a convention that remains stubbornly fractured, despite pleas to paper over differences on three straight nights. The GOP simply isn’t ready to unify" (Graham 2016). This is a very interesting statement because of the last line, "The GOP simply isn't ready to unify". I find this very interesting because over the past few months, all the Trump campaign has been saying is how they are ready to unify the party. My question to this is 'Do we really need every single person in the party to agree (which is almost impossible), or will the majority be sufficient enough'? Cruz's speech was a very highly anticipated speech due to the constant tension between Trump and Cruz during both of their campaigns. From the arguing on stage during debates to calling each other out on multiple things in private interviews, these two were never at peace. The fact that Ted Cruz even showed up at the convention gains my highest respect. The tremendous hatred between Trump and Cruz is almost palpable. John Kasich was never a major competitor in this election, and was never a direct enemy of another candidate. I still find it utterly embarrassing that John Kasich can't even represent his own home, while someone who was at a constant battle with Donald Trump can still stand up in front of everyone and give a speech. It's not supporting the person, it's supporting the party. John Kasich has embarrassed Ohio by his own petty childishness. Party support, in my opinion is the most important thing. If the party has a majority, things will go in that way in which the party wants, the representative/person will have to oblige as it is the majority of the party in favor. 

    Another major highlight of the night was the final speech by Trump's running mate, Mike Pence. Pence formally accepted the nomination as the Republican candidate for Vice President. Ted Cruz in his speech made a comment about LeBron James bringing a huge comeback victory, just as Cruz believes America will. I find this comment to be so appropriate, and that Cruz shows an actual interest in the city. Cruz was most concerned about the party, not the nominee, which I believe is the number one priority. Nothing out of Mike Pence's speech I can think of that really stood out or was super prominent in my opinion. Donovan Slack of USA Today shares "After Mike Pence delivered a well-received debut speech as the Republican vice presidential nominee, Donald Trump joined him on stage and engaged in what MUST be one of the most awkward such encounters in recent history" (Slack 2016). Which he is right, this was a very awkward encounter. Trump goes in almost to kiss Pence but ends up kissing the air right next to Pence's face. Donald Trump and Mike Pence are a very different couple when it comes to running mates. Pence behaves and speaks well, while his counterpart is all over the place. Pence almost makes it embarrassing for Donald Trump to even talk. Pence knows how to handle himself in front of thousands or people or in a private interview, while in contrast, compared to Pence, Donald Trump just looks like a baboon.

Tomorrow is the last day of the convention. Donald Trump will give his highly anticipated speech tomorrow. As far as protests have gone, Cleveland is still pretty quiet as nothing major or dangerous has happend, which is a wonderful thing.

Works Cited
Graham, David A. "Ted Cruz Steals the Show." The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, 20 July 2016. Web. 21 July 2016.
Slack, Donovan. "GOP Convention Day 3: Cruz Booed, Teleprompter Freeze and That Kiss." USA Today. Gannett, 21 July 2016. Web. 21 July 2016.

1 comment:

  1. Very insightful Caitlin. You have made some original points that I haven't seen in other media coverage. Good work!
