Friday, July 15, 2016

Nice Attack, Terrorism, and Politics

Donald Trump announced earlier this week that on today (Friday 7/15/2016) he was going to announced his highly anticipated Vice President pick. Unfortunately, after the horrific news of what happened in Nice, France yesterday, Trump has decided to postpone this announcement. Yesterday, a devastating day in Nice, a truck driver drove into a crowd at Bastille Day celebration, killing at least 84 people (reported as of now). This act of terrorism, as heartbreaking and terrifying as it is, is a great vantage point for presidential candidates. Terrorism is a way to put fear into the citizens of the United States, and then give them a sense of safety and nationalism when the presidential candidate begins to touch on the subject and look at attacking terrorism in a positive way. Trump will most likely bring this terrorism into play by establishing the "Make America Great Again" mindset and putting real nationalism into people. This sense of hope given to people is a great way to rack in votes. When people feel safe, they are more likely to gravitate towards something. When Trump promises the demise of terrorism in the United States, this is just simply not true. Just like racism, terrorism will never ever truly be out of the United States. As much as people can try and as 99% of people have good intentions in the United States, there is still always that 1% that will never oblige to peace. When hatred is so prominent, love and peace will never fully be present.This hatred is used as fear. When Trump uses his slogan "Make America Great Again", my real question is when was America ever once truly great for EVERYONE? Sure, it was great for whites at most times in history, but not everyone else. Native Americans, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Etc. have never had it "great" in America. How can this sense of nationalism truly be felt on by these groups of people. Everyone is afraid of terrorism. That is why when a candidate touches strongly on the subject people gravitate towards them. Nationalism is a patriotic feeling, efforts, and or principles. Everyone in a way wants to stand up and protect their country and their people. Since a normal civilian cannot do this, when they put their trust in a leader, they are giving that leader the power.
For Trump, this delay in announcing his Vice President choice, is bringing more attention and curiosity to him. People are watching Trump much more closely and are eagerly awaiting his decision. just days before the convention. Trump has three people in mind that he is going to most likely announce as his Vice President. Donald Trump said that he had yet to make a final, final decision between Indiana Governor Mike Pence, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. This sis a highly anticipated announcement for the Trump campaign. I find it very convenient that the day before the terror attack in Nice, Trump says he has to postpone his announcement. It is also very shocking to me that Trump has yet to come to his concrete decision and a Vice President.


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