Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Day 2 of the RNC

Today was the second day of the Republican National Convention. Today Donald Trump claimed the position as the Republican nominee.
Ohio cast all 66 delegate votes to Ohio Governor, John Kasich. In my personal opinion, I found this to be very embarrassing. Since John Kasich could not even muster up to respect or courage to even attend the RNC held in his own state, I see this as very childish. Just the fact alone John Kasich did not show up to the RNC shows just how much he cannot and should not become president as he is too much of a child to get over the fact he lost. John Kasich reminds me of the child that throws a temper tantrum due to not getting their own way.
On day one, Donald Trump used the song "We are the Champions" as an opening entrance song. According to CNNMoney, Queen is not happy about their association to Mr.Trump. Frank Pallotta of CNNMoney shares "At Monday's opening of the RNC, Trump walked on stage at Cleveland's Quicken Loans Arena to the band's "We Are the Champions" before introducing a speech by his wife, Melania. On Tuesday, the legendary British rock band tweeted, 'An unauthorised use at the Republican Convention against our wishes' This isn't the first time that the band has been upset over Trump using one of its songs without its permission" (Pallotta 2016). I believe it is not so much Trump used the song, but the band in no way wants to be affiliated with this campaign. Pallotta goes on to share in his article "Many argued that former lead singer Mercury, who died in 1991 from AIDS-related complications, would not have been been a supporter of Trump. 'My guess is that Freddie Mercury would not likely have been a Trump supporter,' tweeted Chris Cillizza, a political commentator for The Washington Post" (Pallotta 2016). As far the unknown support from one who is deceased, the band is very uneasy about being affiliated in anyway with Mr.Trump, especially if they, personally are not supporting him and then in turn their song is ultimately indicating Trump is a champion.
The featured speakers of today's conference include: House Speaker Paul Ryan, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Donald Trump's Daughter Tiffany Trump, and Donald Trump's son Donald Trump Jr.
Chris Christie had quite a few negative words towards the Democratic's nominee, Hillary Clinton. NBC-2 shares this from Christie's speech. "Christie, one of Trump's closest allies and a former federal prosecutor, said that Clinton's policies while secretary of state had helped an al Qaeda-affiliated terror group abduct 300 young schoolgirls in Nigeria and accused her of abetting President Bashar al-Assad in Syria, enabling Iran and Cuba's Castro brothers along with lying to Americans about her private email server.
"Is she guilty or not guilty?" Christie asked after every charge he laid before the crowd. "Guilty!'
The delegates responded with a resounding: "Guilty!"
'We don't disqualify Hillary Clinton to be the president of the United States,' Christie said. 'The facts of her life and career disqualify her'" (NBC-2 2016). I personally think trying to shed positive light towards Trump should be more based on his traits and not so much the downfall of others, but then that wouldn't be considered politics.
The only major things in my opinion that happend tonight was the delegate pledges towards the Republican nominee, along with the various speeches. Thursday's speech from Donald Trump is defiantly the most anticipated moment of this whole RNC.
As far as outside the arena, downtown Cleveland regarding protesters is still very quiet. Being downtown there was nothing more happening at Public Square than a few women jumping in the fountain holding Black Lives Matter signs. I am very curious to see if anything heats up in the last two days of this unconventional convention.

Works Cited
At Monday's Opening of the RNC. "Queen Upset Donald Trump Used 'We Are the Champions'" CNNMoney. Cable News Network, 19 July 2016. Web. 20 July 2016.
"Highlights from Day 2 of RNC." NBC-2.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 July 2016.


  1. I like your point about John Kasich not showing up, but respectfully disagree. This to me is a principled stand by Kasich against the kind of disrespectful, negative campaign Trump has run and his lack of qualifications to be president. It's like Mitt Romney's stand on this, I believe, though Kasich has not done anywhere near as good a job of making that stance clear to the public. He is giving speeches all over the place, I gather -- perhaps he has made the point and the national media haven't covered it, which is typical of the way they have dealt with Kasich throughout.

  2. Please don't take my comment as meaning you are wrong in what you said about Kasich. I really respect your opinion.
