Monday, July 25, 2016

Final day of RNC

     The final day of the RNC was held Thursday. With Trump being the only Republican left running, he was the obvious choice to be the nominee. Ted Cruz, although talking at the RNC, did not endorse Donald Trump as the Republican nominee. I respect Ted Cruz's stance and he has also gained a higher respect from me by supporting the party, not the person. Trump talked about unifying the party in his speech, and the first step in doing so is to respect the GOP in every aspect.
    Donald Trump gave his acceptance speech for the Republican nominee. According to Michael D. Shea and Nick Corasaniti of New York Times, they share a personal view of Trump's acceptance speech. The two writers describe the speech by saying "With dark imagery and an almost angry tone, Mr. Trump portrayed the United States as a diminished and even humiliated nation, and offered himself as an all-powerful savior who could resurrect the country’s standing in the eyes of both enemies and law-abiding Americans" (Shea/Corasaniti 2016). I have to agree with these two writers on this view of Donald Trump's acceptance speech. The speech was somewhat predicted, in a way. Trump basically took everything he has been saying and just reiterated it in a longer format.
    Ivanka Trump shocked me as well as sparked my interest. As compared to Step Mom Melania Trump, in my personal opinion, I think Ivanka Trump is a great role model for women and young girls. Ivanka Trump embodies what it is for hard work for females. TIME Magazine shared a snip it of Ivanka's speech. Will Drabold of TIME reports from the speech "I’ve learned a lot about the world from walking construction jobs by his side. When run properly, construction sites are true meritocracies. Competence in the building trades is easy to spot and incompetence is impossible to hide. (APPLAUSE) These sites are also incredible melting pots, gathering people from all walks of life and uniting them to work towards a single mission. There have always been men of all background and ethnicities on my father’s job sites. And long before it was common place, you also saw women" (Drabold 2016). Ivanka continues on to share her own desire for entrepreneurship through her own clothing business. Ivanka Trump wore a dress from her own line costing about $138. Compared to step-mom Melania, who was wearing a 2,000+ designer outfit. This to me shows just how down to Earth Ivanka is and just how great of a role model she is. Ivanka also gave personal insights into her life growing up with Donald Trump as Dad. I think it is very noble of Ivanka to have written her own speech, and not relied on someone putting her own feelings into words. After the scandal with Melania Trump, I think this was a very safe, and smart choice. Ivanka Trump has gained my highest respect and interest of the night. Talking especially about the gender wage gap, and how she makes sure her father will follow through if he becomes president makes me believe in the words she has said. Bravo to Ivanka Trump for the night
    As for the city of Cleveland, we did an excellent job in keeping order. There were no huge protests or riots, there was no killing or inappropriate treating of anyone, the city was peaceful.

Works Cited
Drabold, Will. "Read Ivanka Trump's Speech at the Republican Convention." Time. Time, 21 July 2016. Web. 21 July 2016.
Shear, Michael D., and Nick Corasaniti. "Republican Convention Night 4: What You Missed." The New York Times. The New York Times, 21 July 2016. Web. 21 July 2016.

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